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If I have no belief.
If there is no faith in my life.
Then my suffering makes no sense.
Suffering without sense is a good definition of hell
Where is my salvation?
Where is the sense of it all?
Where or in what direction do I turn?
The story of Christ
Announced by the angel and accepted by the Virgin. Nine months in the perfect vessel and born into poverty. The answer. Thirty years growing in wisdom and understanding within a family full to capacity with love.
I see the bearded man standing, preaching in the middle of the river. He calls to all who can hear. "Come, be baptized by the water and prepare for him who follows" Then it begins. It begins with the Jordan's flow and begins anew with the warm, red flow of innocent blood washing clean all who stand at the foot of the dark wooden cross of Calvary.
I rejoice in the life full of love. Preaching, teaching, curing, and raising up the dead. He was betrayed. He did suffer the indignities of the crown, the lashing (not an inch of my flesh was left intact), the purple robe and the mocking staff. "Where is your kingdom now." "Call your legions down that will carry you to safety".
See how quietly he stands there. Accepting without reservation the heavy burden of the wooden cross. It is placed upon the torn flesh of his innocent shoulders and to the cadence of the lash the mournful, painful, saving parade of death begins. Oh! sorrowing mother behold your son. Oh! weeping women of Jerusalem wipe his bleeding brow. Oh! Simon ease his burden.
I do not ease the burden. I pound the nails that hang the tortured God filled flesh on the tree of salvation. And finally suffering makes sense. It is the way of salvation. It is the price of eternal glory.
How do I know this. The empty tomb tells me so.
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