Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Personal update

I started this blog one year ago with not much success. I wanted a site where my friends, business partners, future business partners, clients, team, family (not in that order of course lol) and I could discuss topics, issues,share life in general. I just got stuck and didn't know what to put on here. I am going to start with a story of my year last year. 2007 was a very difficult year for me. I was sick for most of it. I've had 7 medicine changes in one year. I won't bore you with all those details. I have not written about my struggles here or anywhere else much because I don't worship my illness, I worship my God. Now, the two have met and it's an awesome story I wanted to share with you today. The story starts7 years ago, I was in a failed marriage and had my second child. After she was born, I started being extremely depressed. I was totally miserable. My now ex-husband was diagnosed with diabetes. He got depressed. He refused to work and everything that went wrong was my fault and my sons. I tried to go to school to get a medical assistant license and had 4 more months to graduate. He walked out on me taking my daughter with him. I was left with an eviction notice, strange physical pain like passing out for no reason, chest pains, back pain and nowhere to live. I was extremely suicidal through this whole time. The state of Texas were going to terminate my rights because the situation was bad for my children. I called my family and thankfully, my sister took us in. It was to be a temporary situation but we lived together for one year and a half. We had our ups and downs together but it was a great time. During that time, I started going to a little church named Trinity Fellowship Church in San Angelo, Texas. They loved on me no matter what I looked like, what attitude I had, they helped in any way they could. This would start a whole new life for me. I went there and met my very best friend Jesus Christ. I would never be the same. I've had many bumps and twists in this journey. I got involved in children's ministry which I still do today. He has allowed me to dream big dreams because he is a BIG God. God just blows my mind each and every day. I'm glad he is my CEO. 6 months after being saved, I had horrendous side pain. I went to the doctor to get checked out. They told me I had kidney failure. They even went so far as to say that I needed to fill out my will and leave my kids to someone. I was terrified. My little sister was getting married. She offered to take the kids. I was angry because I wanted to be here when my kids grew up. I didn't receive that message. I looked that doctor right in the face and didn't move. He told me to come back in 3 days so we could start dialysis. They didn't know what was causing my kidney to do that. I told him I would come back after the weekend and be completely healed. He laughed at me. I didn't tell anyone. I went to church early on a Wednesday night. I was trying so hard not to fall apart. I started crying. My sister's inlaws came over and asked what was going on? I told them and I asked them not to tell our pastor. I wanted to see God heal me. There was an altar call that Sunday one day before my appointment. I went up with a whole line of people. As my pastor prayed that day, he went from one side running over to me. He started praying very passionately. He laid hands on me and anointed me with oil. He claimed that God was healing a left arterial bleed in my left kidney, he touched it and I felt the love of God flow through my whole body. I went back to that Doctor on Monday. He asked What did you do? I said I prayed and God healed me. He laughed said no, really what did you do? I prayed. A third time, "What did YOU DO?" I was agitated by this time, and said I prayed. He was shocked. He confirmed that my kidney was healed. I was so happy. Then, I had an ovarian cancer scare. The cells turned out to be noncancerous thanks to God. Years later, I started having migraines, total head to toe pain. I went to the doctor for several weeks due to weird pains in my head, neck, shoulders, legs, arms, knees. The doctor diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I had to get off my birth control pills because they messed with my thyroid too bad. 6 months later, I was pregnant with fibromyalgia. Being pregnant with fibromyalgia was hard. I got severely depressed due to fluctuating hormones. I had to take a low dose of antidepressant. It worked. The last two months I was in pain and couldn't take anything. Labor was fairly normal. My little guy, James Isaac Dunn, was born April 3,2006 happy and healthy as he could be.He's still that way today. After I had Isaac, I was exhausted more than the other two times I had given birth. For 6 months, I got up every two hours to care for Isaac. It was hard. When I was awake, I'd cry because I hurt so bad. I never realized how it affected him until one day I laughed after being put on medication and it scared him. He had never seen his mommy smile. I got referred to a great Rheumatologist who is handling my care. I filled out a work at home request during that time to help financially. That started me on a journey like no other. I found a health and wellness company to work for I am very passionate about. Their nutritional products little by little helped me get moving and stay moving again. I'm so thankful for them. I had an 8 month remission of symptoms. I really thought I had received my total healing from the Lord but he had other plans. I was so mad when the pain returned and so was my doctor. He'd hoped we had found the cause of the illness. He put me on Lyrica which I was allergic to. We are now working on a combo to help stabilize my condition. I started working from home running my own business. I went to CafeMom to help find support from someone in our company to help teach me the ropes. Little did I know I was about to embark on an awesome adventure. I found a group on Cafe Mom that a lady named Marla Martindale created. We started emailing and really hit it off. We were unaware of what that was starting. lol.
She went to my cafemom profile page and found out we lived in the same town. We decided to meet for coffee. We hit it off and start talking. We do have a lot in common. She has RSD,fibromyalgia, full body Osteoporosis,and MS. She has become the only certified life coach in the world. She has decided to do her own talk show on BlogTalk Radio. Very cool. She called me up and asked me to be her first guest. I thought Cool. We did our first show two days ago. We have zero experience folks. NONE. We used our marketing skills we have learned from our company. We use free advertising anywhere we can make a friend and make a way. We were excited we had 3 listeners. We have found out that we actually had 12 and there were some celebrities that want to listen silently until they are comfortable to come out of the woodwork and be on the show. Very exciting. We did not do a test show at all. We just went live. It was so nerve racking but a blast! We shared our stories and went over what Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy was. Check out the recording. We got 53 downloads in 5 hours our first day! Yay!!! : ) We have scheduled more shows and even have a guest from Australia coming on the show. People are coming up all over the place. It is fun. We did a guest call in on a comedy show and shot a 30 soundbite for the show promoting our show. Thank you WoodShed Crew! Love Ya! It was a hoot! : ) We were up to 79 downloads as of 5pm yesterday. We are so thrilled! We are hoping to get a primetime slot to reach more people. We are hoping to raise awareness that these conditions are real. We want research funded, a cause found, and more effective treatments with less side effects. We hope to be on TV talk shows one day. : )
Please call in and show us some love!


AudreyO said...

Wow...that is quite a story. said...

Followed you here from the SmartMoms forum. Thanks for sharing your story. :)

Jenni Saake