Thursday, February 21, 2008

We are Marshall Review

I stay a little behind the times on movies. It's mainly because I just don't have time to relax. Then, I fall asleep which gets absolutely frustrating. Most of the time, I am chasing kids and cleaning all the messes. My husband and I watched We are Marshall for our anniversary. It was based on a true story about a university in West Virginia. Their football team was coming back from California on an airplane which crashed and burned right outside of their hometown. It was a hard movie to watch at first. You really felt the pain that the ones left behind had to go through. The only survivors were ones who overslept or were injured. They had to deal with survivors guilt and come together, change rules, and save their football team. Matthew McCaughnhey's character, Jack Lengyel knew how to market and get people motivated. I really related to this story. It made me cry which is hard. I loved it. I suggest everyone to watch it and The Pursuit of Happyness.

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