Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
What is Real Success Part two
What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 2 of 2)
- by Tony Mase
© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved
In Part 1 of this two-part series (What is Success... *Real*
Success? - Part 1 of 2), I shared with you the best
definition of success I've ever read.
It comes from a book titled "How to Get What You Want" by
Wallace D. Wattles.
In it he writes:
"Getting what you want is success..."
Notice, if you will, Wallace D. Wattles did *not* write:
"'Having' what you want is success..."
Wallace D. Wattles wrote:
"*Getting* what you want is success..."
The second key word in Wallace D. Wattles' definition of
success (see What is Success... *Real* Success? - Part 1 of
2 for the first) is *getting*...
*GETTING* what you want is success.
"Getting" implies being in the process of, rather than that
of having already arrived. In other words, success is a
process *not* a result.
In his writings, Wallace D. Wattles repeatedly makes the
point that the purpose of life for men and women is growth,
just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth.
Unlike trees and plants, which grow automatically and along
fixed lines, we can grow as we choose.
Trees and plants are limited to developing only certain
possibilities and characteristics whereas, at an absolute
minimum, we can develop any possibility and any
characteristic which is or has ever been demonstrated by any
other person anywhere.
We're formed for growth and under the constant necessity of
As a matter of fact, as Wallace D. Wattles also points out
in his writings, so strong is this constant necessity for
growth that it's absolutely essential to our happiness that
we continuously advance.
I was recently reminded of this fact after completing a
major project upon which I'd been working for months.
For many long months I'd toiled day and night putting all
the many pieces of the project together and working out
hundreds of little related details with the objective of
completing the project constantly in mind.
When the project was finally finished, instead of feeling
happy about it, as one might expect, I actually felt sort of
sad, even, for lack of a better term, mildly depressed.
Don't get me wrong...
I was certainly glad the project was finished, especially
knowing that many, many people's lives would be positively
impacted forever by its being finished.
Instead of feeling off the walls excited about it, I felt
more like I'd just lost my best friend.
I've experienced this same strange phenomenon every single
time I've ever gotten anything I really wanted whether it
was a house, a new car, more income or just completing a
major project.
Because, as I've finally come to realize, the true fun and
joy in life really come from the getting not the having.
A number of years ago, when asked why he was continuously
opening new stores when he already had so many, Ray Kroc,
the founder of McDonald's replied:
"When you're green you're growing. When you ripen you rot!"
Wallace D. Wattles once put it this way:
"Life without progress becomes unendurable, and the person
who ceases from growth must either become imbecile or
insane. The greater and more harmonious and well-rounded his
growth, the happier man will be."
If you're *getting* what *YOU* want...
Not getting what I want...
Not getting what someone else wants...
Not getting what you think you should want because someone
else has it...
You're a success.
For example...
If what you really want is to be a teacher and you're in the
process of becoming a teacher, you're a success.
On the other hand...
If what you really want is to be a teacher, but you're a
lawyer because that's what your father wanted you to be or
because that's what you thought you wanted to be because of
the money you'd earn and you're not in the process of
becoming a teacher, you're a failure, regardless of how much
money you earn, how big your home is or what kind of car you
*GETTING* what *YOU* want is success!
If you're absolutely clear about what it is you want, what
it is *you* really want, and you're in the process of
*getting* it...
You're a success, a *real* success, right now - *TODAY*!
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.
"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles together
with twenty-four other rare books and articles written by
Wallace D. Wattles.
Friday, February 29, 2008
What is Success....Real Success?
What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 1 of 2)
- by Tony Mase
© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved
Many people say they want success. Yet, when asked what
"success" is, they haven't a clue. In other words, they say
they want something when, at the same time, they don't even
know what that "something" is.
What is success... *real* success?
The best definition of success I've ever read comes from the
writings of Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic
masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich".
In Chapter 1 of "How to Get What You Want", a book he wrote
prior to "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D. Wattles
"Getting what you want is success..."
There are two key words in Wallace D. Wattles' definition of
success, the first one is *you*...
Getting what *YOU* want is success.
Not getting what I want...
Not getting what someone else wants...
Not getting what you think you should want because someone
else has it...
Getting what *YOU* want is success!
Question for you...
What do *YOU* want...
What do you *really* want?
Before I began studying Wallace D. Wattles' writings and
applying their principles to my life, I had all sorts of
"goals" on my "goals list" that, at the time, I thought were
things I wanted.
When I examined those goals carefully, I discovered I didn't
*really* want them at all.
Travel is one example that immediately comes to mind. I had
a number of travel goals on my goals list.
The funny part is...
I don't really like to travel all that much!
Here's another one...
I had a goal to own a closet full of finely tailored, custom
made suits.
The truth is, I'm perfectly comfortable and content running
around in jeans and a t-shirt. As a matter of fact, at the
same time I had this goal on my list, I was desperately
trying to get to a point in my life where I *didn't* have to
wear a suit!
One more...
And this one, looking back on it, was downright ridiculous.
I had a goal to own a white Lincoln Town Car stretch
limousine and have my own personal chauffeur.
What's wrong with that, you ask?
Nothing, except there are very few things I like less than
being a passenger in a car, especially being a passenger in
the back seat of a car.
No wonder I wasn't making any progress towards my goals...
They weren't *my* goals!
Whose goals were they?
I honestly don't know.
All I know is they weren't mine. :-)
I guess I thought these were things "successful" people did
or had so, since I wanted to be "successful", they were what
I should want.
I know that sounds silly but, judging from some of the
questions I get, there are a whole lot of folks out there
who think they "should" want all sorts of things they don't
really want at all.
Am I saying there's anything wrong with wanting travel,
custom made clothes or chauffeur driven limousines?
Absolutely not!
*You* don't *really* want those things!
How do you determine if *you* really want something?
For each of your wants, ask yourself and then answer these
two very important questions:
1. Why *specifically* do I want this?
Be very, *very* specific in your answers and keep asking
yourself "why" to each of your answers until you're not able
to answer the question any more.
If you can't come up with one or more clear, "convincing",
meaningful reasons why *you* want something then you don't
*really* want it, you just "think" you do.
2. How does it *feel* now that I have this?
Close your eyes and imagine yourself as having already
attained that which you want and pay particular attention to
how you "feel" now that you have it.
If it doesn't "feel" good or if all you experience is an
empty, "so what" feeling, again, you don't *really* want it,
you just "think" you do.
In the first chapter of "How to Get What You Want", Wallace
D. Wattles also says this about success:
"Success is essentially the same, whether it results in the
attainment of health, wealth, development or position;
success is attainment, without regard to the things
In other words...
All success is the same.
The only difference is what *you* want.
Getting what *YOU* want is success!
Once you determine what *you* want, what you *really* want,
what "success" is to you and only *you*, your life will
change, it'll change rather dramatically and it'll change
faster than you ever thought possible.
What's the second key word in Wallace D. Wattles' definition
of success?
Stay tuned for the answer in Part 2 of this series! :-)
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.
"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles together
with twenty-four other rare books and articles written by
Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here =>
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© Tony Mase Enterprises
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
What A Day and Night! : )
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Getting From Here to There: Plan Your Success
Author: Cassidy Williams
As soon as you discovered your passions in life, you would then need to recast your priorities so that you are brought in order with your purpose in life. With your purpose, you can get the directions in your life without fear of being lost. Sure, there are a lot of things that might go wrong along the way, but this is all a part of the process of working for your goals. You had better embrace this process. Otherwise, the process becomes boring too.
You need to take a look at your present situation and take stock of where you are. What have you achieved so far? The years will not retreat. If you are still young, well and good, you still have plenty of years to pursue your passion and discover the meaning of your life. If you are already in your middle years, do not worry, you can still find your purpose and work at finding meaning as long as you are willing.
This process of taking note of where you are is important. It enables you to know precisely where you are. After all, you cannot get to where you want to be unless you know where you are. After analyzing where you are, you better understand the path you have to take. Once you have discovered your purpose, it becomes your roadmap to where you want to go.
The roadmap to your dreams can be discovered by a purposeful searching within yourself of what you want to do and what you intend to achieve. More than the achievement though, you also need to plot the steps that you take. It does not matter if the steps are small ones as long as you are progressing and moving towards your goals.
If you are truly willing to achieve your goals, you need to make progress everyday even if those steps are but simple ones. Just like drops of water on a bucket, when they are gathered, they will fill the bucket up. Remember though that achieving the goal is but a part of the process, the journey is more enjoyable than the process of arriving at the destination. The journey helps develop your character and your qualities such that you become more focused in achieving your dreams and your goals in life.
When you have taken a good look at where you are and you feel disappointed, that is well and good. But do not forget that you are in the business of pursuing your dreams and your goals. With perseverance and character, you can get from here to there.
Article Source:
About the Author:
The One Question is a website that helps people discover their purpose in life. It discusses the meaning of life and lets you find yours.
Monday, February 25, 2008
What a Beautiful Day!
Peace, Kindness, Joy, Patience, Goodness, Grace, Love and Blessings,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
An update on me!
Beware of Those Energy Drinks!
The Awful Truth About Energy Drinks
Author: Scott White
You can't go to a sporting event, sponsored outdoor activity or even the corner store without advertisements for energy drinks staring you down. Will these handy beverages give you a jolt of vigor or leave you in a slump? The answer is, both. And that's not all they'll do.
The active ingredient in energy drinks varies, as do their side effects. None are superior, they all carry the potential to do awful things to your body.
CAFFEINE – It's good enough for coffee and tea, why not your energy drink? It works like amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin, in the way that it stimulates the brain. A typical 12 ounce can of a caffeinated energy drink contains 70-100 mg of caffeine, or the same as two sodas or a 6 ounce cup of coffee. Guarana, a common ingredient in energy drinks, contains caffeine.
Caffeine works by blocking the chemical that makes you naturally drowsy. The chemical, adenosine, is also responsible for dilating the blood vessels. By hiding adenosine, caffeine also causes the brain's blood vessels to constrict.
Your heart rate increases, muscles tighten, your blood pressure rises, blood vessels near the surface constrict and more blood flows to the muscles. Caffeine also increases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is one of the chemicals responsible for feeling happy. Caffeine is a cardiac stimulant and mild diuretic.
While the short term benefits may seem positive, long term effects can be a real downer. Once the temporary stimulation wears off, your brain suddenly starts to recognize adenosine and a sudden mental sluggishness hits. Your heart racing is unhealthy unless it occurs naturally and is allowed rest periods. Sleep is affected because the internal effects of caffeine aren't over when the "high" is. It takes up to 12 hours for caffeine to completely vacate your body.
As a diuretic, caffeine speeds along your urination cycle, taking calcium with it. Long term, heavy caffeine use could lead to developing osteoporosis.
SUGAR – Most energy drinks, except those that are labeled "sugar free" and usually those marketed as "light" are high in sugar. The sugar in an 8 ounce can ranges from 5 to 8 teaspoons and usually accounts for 100% of the carbohydrates (80 – 130 calories). The RDA for sugar is no more than 6 – 7 teaspoons of sugar for each 2000 calories consumed. One bottle of energy drink contains all of the sugar you should eat in a day.
Sugar gives you a quick bump of energy because it is absorbed into the human body much faster than other energy sources, like protein. Studies show sugar can take effect within a minute of entering the body. Sugar raises the blood sugar level and gives you quick energy. This is often short lived, though, because the body quickly releases a blast of insulin, quickly lowering your blood sugar. When blood sugar plummets, so does energy and endurance.
While the short term side effects of sugar – crashing hours after consumption, increased appetite and the possibility of cavities – are somewhat mild, long term effects are not. Type 2 diabetes has been linked to sugar misuse. Weight gain due to the consumption of empty calories is becoming a bigger problem in the US and around the globe.
TAURINE, B VITAMINS AND GINSENG – These three ingredients are also commonly found in energy drinks.
Taurine helps move potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium into and out of cells and generates nerve signals.
B Vitamins are important for many functions of the body including reduction of stress and depression, metabolism and digestive system. However, too much vitamin B can cause nausea, gout, hypothyroidism, insomnia or reduced insulin release, among other side effects.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Scott White is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist located in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information about nutrition and fitness, reach Scott at Personal Trainer | Personal Training .
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I'm feeling kind of Blah Today! : (
Home Remedies for Cold - Get Out of a Cold
Author: Dr John Anne
Contagious infections, viral in disease, and enforced by coronaviruses and picornaviruses are the forces that prey upon individuals, generally infecting them with acute viral nasopharyngitis or acute coryza, as they strike upon the upper respiratory system with a vengence. This vial disease that has been described in clinical terminology is generally referred to as the common cold.
The plaguing symptoms of the debilitating ailment can last for up to a week at their most intense, and linger on up to two weeks. These agonizing symptoms include cough, fatigue, fever, headache, loss of appetite, malaise, muscle weakness, nasal congestion, sore throat and sneezing. The potential looms as to the afflicted individual missing a few days of either school or work. As there is not a single vaccine available, home remedies for cold are the most optimal modes of treatment.
Its susceptible individual, through direct and indirect interactions with other individuals possessing such virus, contracts a common cold's virus. Aerosols, that contains the viruses of colds, which are imparted with such germination through coughing or sneezing is one form of contracting. The other form is by the susceptible individual's contact with either nasal or saliva discharges, either by way of direct contact with an infected individual, or by sharing or handling the same object or surface. Frequent and proper hand washing is a good precautionary measure, amid home remedies for cold.
In providing all individuals with natural and defensive ammunition, in combating the rigors of a cold, are a number of home remedies for cold that bear such effectiveness.
Lemons are a resourceful option among home remedies for cold. Mix a portion of lemon juice, along with some honey and hot water, and drink, as a type of tea. Lemon juice added to a bowl of cold water, and, by the mode of a washcloth compress, can be applied to the forehead to aid in the event of a presented fever, as a supplemental home remedies for cold. The vitamin C properties contained with lemons infuses into the body through the forehead in providing support to the body's immune system.
Among home remedies for cold is the usage of honey. It can be taken, by the teaspoon full, or mixed with hot water and lemon, as a sort of tea.
A popular choice among home remedies for cold is the implementation of garlic. Five garlic cloves are to be chopped and peeled. Drizzle the garlic with half a cup of honey. Then mix in either a small amount of cayenne pepper or ginger. Let it marinade for an hour or more. Administer one teaspoon full, orally, as needed.
Cayenne pepper, in small measurements, added to food or within a home remedies for cold formulation, such as earlier described, is yet another among home remedies for cold option.
For relaxation, rest and fevers, chamomile tea is within among home remedies for cold .
As an herbal type, among home remedies for cold, is peppermint tea. Such tea is effective in clearing up sinuses. This tea can also be added, by containment of tea bags, into bath water.
In an effort to combat chills and tiredness from a cold, cut off a one-inch piece of fresh ginger root, and peel it. Grate the piece of root into a cup or mug, and then pour into the container, and over the grated ginger, one cup of boiling water. Let the filled cup or mug steep for five minutes. A teaspoon full of honey can also be added to such blend, all, as another among home remedies for cold.
A favorite choice of many individual, in yet another recommended among home remedies for cold , is thyme. To implement this herb into treatment for a cold, prepare a tea, using one cup of dried thyme and one cup of water. Allow this form of tea to steep for fifteen minutes. Strain the hot liquid through a strainer of sorts, in order to remove the thyme. Add some honey, to both taste and benefit, to such tea. Refrigerate, and administer, by mouth, one teaspoon each hour. Suggested usage of this particular tea is only for one to two days.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. Read more Home Remedies for Cold at Home Remedies . Also visit to ask and share your own Home Remedies.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oh Shaving Cream, Oh Shaving Cream!!!
What else can ya do?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Making your Time Work For You
Time Management Tips: 5 Tips for Making Time Work Better for you – Read Here to Find Out
Author: Wendy Hearn
In today's hectic world it is easy to lose track of things if you do not have some kind of time management strategy in place. So, here are some quick tips to help you to get the most out of the precious hours in your day.
1. You cannot manage your time - This may sound a strange way to begin a time management tips article, but it's true. You cannot manage time. You have so many hours in your day and you can not change that. You can, however, manage how effectively YOU can use this time and your energy. Using your time well is about managing you, not about managing time.
2. Be effective, not efficient - Learn to discern between effective use of your time and efficient use of time, the latter being the better of the two. Folding and sealing 200 letters in one hour is efficient use of your time. Buying a machine to do it in five minutes is effective use of your time.
3. Know what you want - How can you spend your time the way you would like to if you don't know what you want? Before embarking on any time management plan sit down and get a clear idea of exactly how you want to spend your time. This will give you something specific to work towards.
4. Get organized - Keep a time log to find out how you are really spending your time. Also, keep a daily time plan for each day so you know exactly what you want to achieve in each day, and work towards your longer-term goals.
5. Avoid time wasters - Time wasters are the arch-enemies of good time management. Worst of all, they are often so subtle that you won't even notice them. Common time wasters include television, clutter, meetings and interruptions at work.
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About the Author:
Discover how to get more done in less time, the top 7 "time management" truths uncovered in this free report by clicking here -
Wendy works with business owners to be more effective and successful, achieving a more profitable business in less time using time management tips
We are Marshall Review
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
My Mom Blunder of The Day
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A person with peace of mind is a healthy and happy person. Peace of mind results from knowing that you are a good person. It also comes from knowing that you do not harm other people and you do not allow other people to harm you as well. People with peace of mind can sleep well at night and can see life at a better perspective. Depressed people are known to be mentally bothered people. There are many thoughts that crowd their mind; these thoughts can lead to depression when left unchecked.
Develop Positive thinking
Positive thinking is a healthy way of thinking. It is the same as being optimistic. A person that has the ability to think positively in every situation is far from depression. He has the ability to see the good side in every situation and set aside the negative thoughts. There are studies that proved the powers of the mind. They said that people can draw their own fate by simply thinking of them. You become what you think you will become. It means that if you think positively and do not allow troubles to get the best of you, you are far from the feeling of depression.
Maintain Good Health
Depression is being linked to poor health. This is not impossible since poor health can cause people to be sluggish, irritable and short tempered. These are among the characteristics that are inherent to depressed people. Depressed people are generally unhealthy people. Eat the right kind of food and maintain a good amount of sleep everyday. There are certain kinds of food that are known to fight depression.
Be Inspired
You can not possibly see an inspired person that suffers from depression. Being inspired is a state of mind. This is a state of mind that could not possibly co-exist with depression. When the person is inspired, it means that he is motivated to do good things. An inspired person is generally happy and occupied with good thoughts.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Sharon has overcome depression and more. For more help on how to fight depression. Never allow this to destroy your personality or your life. can help.
There are materials in this website that can help a person fight depression.